Yes, I'm still here, nose to the grindstone and all that. Slowly making my way through the Reese's Leap ms and hope to be ready with a first draft by spring. Then off it goes to my readers. Meanwhile I have a fresh nibble on Matinicus (its prequel), so keep your fingers crossed.
Took my show on the road with a visit to a book group in Kennebunk, Maine this past Friday evening and it was a blast! Terrific food, great wine and very spirited discussion. This for Hunter Huntress, the book that came out in June. I absolutely love book clubs. If you have one, consider having me "in" for discussion. I'm happy to travel if you're relatively close by; I can also Skype in!
Next Wednesday, Oct. 27, I'm at the Barrington Public Library beginning at 7:00 (another Hunter Huntress event). Come on by for one of my Double Chocolate Chunk cookies!