Hello again, and thanks for checking in! There's a lot going on just now, what with the completion of the
Reese's Leap galley edits and Anna Torborg's great work on the cover. Just 6 weeks to go 'til the April 4th Book Launch...yikes!
More news...I've just launched a Kickstarter Project timed for the upcoming release. My hope is to raise $3500 to help fund a large print run and honkin' Internet ad campaign that will not only help sell this book, but take the whole, award-winning series to the next level. Those
of you who are familiar with Kickstarter as a crowd-source funding
tool, know that it's an all-or-nothing proposition. The full $3500 must be pledged by the end of the campaign on March 22, or the project receives nothing. I'm offering some great rewards to encourage any and all pledges!
You'll find lots of info on my project page: details about the campaign, book synopses, review links, awards, and rewards. And whether you're able to pledge or not, you can help get the word out by
taking this link viral: family and friends, FB buddies, anyone you know
who reads mysteries, loves stories about Maine, or who just loves to discover new writers.
Hope you'll come along on the adventure!